Saturday 29 September 10am-3pm

Indulge in an extended yoga & mindfulness session to Create a Calmer You with me and yoga teacher Karen Hadgett.

Asana practise (physical yoga) to relax and rejuvenate your body.
Pranayama (breathing practises) to calm the nervous system and rebalance your energy.

Practise meditation and explore some of the ideas behind mindfulness to give you tools to cope with everyday life.

Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) to refresh and a chance to work on a deeper level subliminally.

We’ll have a small break after asana practice before moving on to the other limbs of yoga.

The workshop is open to anyone who wishes to experience the effects of an extended yoga practise with mindfulness.

Creative Calm Studio
371 Bury New Road
M25 1AW

£45  – book a place